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2.The theme of All For Love is a conflict between
4.At the beginning of the play, Antony is seen in
7.The play occasions the birthday of
8.What was Cleopatra's farewell gift to Antony?
9.Whom does Cleopatra call "Great Mars"?
10.What does Antony regard more precious than kingdoms?
11.Whom does Cleopatra send as messenger to Antony?
12.Antony has left 12 legions of Roman soldiers
13.All for love is a ______
14.Dryden dedicated “All for Love” to his ______
15. Who is the Patron for Dryden?
16. What is the subtitle of “All for Love”?
17. In the temple, the graves of ______ were opened
18. What does the bracelet made of?
19. Who is Antony‟s first wife?
20.To whom Antony asks to kill him?
21.Who delivered the Eulogy in "All for Love"?