
    Welcome to your PG TRB ENGLISH TEST UNIT 9 Set 2 (110) Mcqs

    The minimal unit of Sound is

    2.Which of these terms refers to the study of speech sounds of a given language and their function within the sound system of that language?

    3.Which of these is the study of meaning of words, and the development of the meaning of words?

    4.Which of these words is based on the phenomena, ‘Onomatopoeia’?

    5.Who among these is an ancient linguist of India?

    6. Around how many languages are spoken in the world today?

    7. What is the difference between a dialect and a language?

    8. What percent of the world's languages are expected to disappear during this century?

    9. What is one reason why languages disappear?

    10. What continent holds the largest number of languages?

    11. Which list includes the three countries with the most languages?

    12. Which list includes the three languages with the most speakers?

    13. Around how many people worldwide speak English as a first language?

    14. Around how many languages are spoken in the U.S.A. today?

    15. very citizen of USA has a fundamental ________ to education.

    16. We are going to the college tonight to hear Prof. Ramdas ________ a paper on language learning on the net.

    17.Choose the word from the options given to form a compound word with “grand”

    18.. Choose the word from the options given to form a compound word with “sing”

    19. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the root word “honest”.

    20. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the root word “fortunate”.

    21. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the root word “respect”.

    22. Choose the clipped form of “Refrigerator”

    23. Choose the clipped form of “Aeroplane”

    24. Choose the clipped form of “Examination”

    25. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘regicide’.

    26. dipsomania

    27. xenophobia

    28. introvert

    29. patricide

    30. fundamentally


    32. personification

    33. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym of LAN

    34. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym SALT.

    35. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym GATT

    36. Choose the expanded form of ISD

    37. Choose the expanded form of GST.

    38. Choose the expanded form of MHRD

    39. Choose the expanded form of GPS

    40. Choose the expanded form of NSS

    41. Choose the expanded form of AIBA

    42. Choose the correct expansion of OPAC.

    43. Most of the paint wore off before the main party.

    44. Our dog turned up when we were searching everywhere for it.

    45. I turned down the offer because I don't want to move out of this place.

    46. We ran out of petrol on the way.

    47. Choose the meaning of the idiom “below the belt”

    48. Choose the meaning of the idiom “square off ”

    49. Choose the meaning of the idiom “throw in the towel”

    50. Choose the meaning of the idiom “in our corner”

    51. Choose the meaning of the idiom “on the ropes”

    52. Finally what he was afraid of turned to be a blessing in disguise.

    53. After many unfruitful attempts in business he called it day.

    54. Business people should be careful that it should not get out of their hand.

    55. Even if we fail in our attempts we should go back to the drawing board.

    56 .As soon as the school reopens the teachers are on the ball to prepare the students for their life

    Choose the correct meaning of the foreign word in the following sentence.

    57. My father used to have "SIESTA" every day.

    58. We have to get the "PROFORMA" from the college.

    59. This is the "MAGNUM OPUS" of the artist.

    60. We believe many things in this world "DE FACTO"

    61. The politicians had their conversation "IN CAMERA"

    62. Everyone appreciates his "LAISSEZ FARE" attitude.

    63. She wants to go to the "PLAZA" to buy a birthday gift.

    64. In a shop, 100 workers have resigned ‘EN MASSE’.

    65. We went ‘EN FAMILLE’ on a big trip.

    66. I amused her for perhaps 20 minutes with a scattering of urbane ‘BONS MOTS’.

    67.Choose the word that has been spelt correctly.

    68. Choose the word that has been spelt correctly.

    69. Choose the word that has been spelt correctly.

    70.Choose the word that has been spelt correctly.

    Fill in the blanks with a suitable relative pronoun.

    72. This is the boy ………won the race.

    73. Show me the book ……… you bought yesterday.

    74. Is there any one ……… can help me do this homework?

    75. That is the house ……… I was born.

    76. The wrong deeds ……… we do are more often remembered than our good ones.

    77. We need not come tomorrow ................?

    78. It has been raining heavily ................?

    79. He never fails in his duty................?

    80. Let’s go for a movie, ................?

    81. The lessons are quite interesting, ................?

    82. The actor turned politician.

    83. Please bring me some guide.

    84. Kaviya kicked the dog.

    85. Maths drives the students mad.

    86. All people consider Shakespeare the greatest dramatist in the world literature.

    87. The teacher gave the students the important questions.

    88. Our teacher told us a story yesterday.

    89. The old woman offered the stranger some food.

    90. My brother became an engineer last year.

    91. MenakaKumar tore the letter open.

    Choose the equivalent American English word for the given British English word:

    92. The farmers "PLOUGHED" the field after a rainfall.

    93. The manager sent a "CHEQUE" for Rs.1000 for the job work.

    94. Throw the waste papers into the "DUSTBIN".

    95. English movies have no "INTERVEL".

    96. I am watching a "MOVIE" in the Television, when you called me.

    97. Sam is a "TRUCK" driver.

    98. Mahar likes "JELLY" very much.

    99. "FRENCH FRIES" are made up of potatoes.

    100. Regan resided in the "FIRST FLOOR".

    101. There is an "aerial" on the top of my house.

    102. My mother is a "housewife".

    103. The free distribution of clothes is for those who are very poor.

    Choose the most appropriate antonym for the given word in each of the following sentences:

    104. “Don’t buy,” warned Luigi, our "CAUTIOUS" driver.

    105. In the week which followed we saw them "FREQUENTLY".

    Change the following sentences in direct speech into indirect speech by choosing the right options:

    106. My father said, “How do you like your new job?”

    107. Choose the correct modal verb and complete the blank. In schools, students ________ were a uniform.

    108. Identify the grammatical function of the capitalized word. My teachers GUIDE me towards the path of success.

    109. What is the correct synonym of the word capitalized in the below sentence? The role of University today is not cloistered and CONFINED as in the past.”

    110. “One should keep ones promises” what is below the correct passive form?