

    Welcome to your pgtrbenglishtestset2unit2

    1. Which angel does Satan trick by disguising himself as a cherub?

    2. Which of the following forms does Satan not take?

    3. In what book does the fall take place?

    4. In which book of the Bible does the story of Adam and Eve occur?

    5. Which angel tells Adam about the future in Books IX?

    6. What is the stated subject of Paradise Lost?

    7. What form does Satan take to seduce Eve?

    8. What did Adam drop after knowing that Eve has sinned?

    9. What does Eve do when she first becomes conscious?

    10. Eve is most surprised by the serpent's ability to

    11.Who coined the term “metaphysical poetry”?

    12. What is the “stamped face” referred to by Donne in “Canonization”?

    13. Fill in the blank: “For God's sake hold your tongue, and let me ________”.

    14. Fill in the blank: “Call her one, me another _______”.

    15. What is a phoenix?

    16. According to Donne, why should a person “take a course”?

    17. “We’ll build in sonnets pretty rooms”. What is the meaning of “room” here?

    18. What is canonization?

    19. According to Donne, what do soldiers find?

    20. According to Donne, what do lawyers get?

    21.What is meant by ek stasis?

    22. Who is the “Great Prince in prison”?

    23. After the “concoction”, who will depart as a “purer” person?

    24. A “metaphysical _____” is a particular type of poetic metaphor of the sort developed by the “metaphysical poets”.

    25. “This ecstasy doth unperplex”. What does “unperplex” mean?

    26. “We owe them thanks”, who are “them” according to Donne?

    27. “Yielded their senses’ force to us,/ Nor are dross to us, but allay”. Which is referred to as an “allay” by Donne?

    28. Who are “weak men” according to Donne?

    29. Which are “firmly cemented / With a fast balm”?

    30. Fill in the blank: “A single violet _______,/ The strength, the colour, and the size,/…Redoubles still, and multiplies”.

    31. Who is the author of the poem "The Canonization"?

    32. The word Phoenix means ------------

    33. The poem The Canonization is published in ------------

    34. The word "canonization" means

    35. The poet says that only -------------- can understand the true love.

    36. Donne emphasises that ----------is the vehicle of reaching spiritual love.

    37. The quality associated with the Garden in the poem The Garden is--------

    38.What Pope poem begins, “In these deep solitudes and awful cells, / Where heav'nly-pensive contemplation dwells, / And ever-musing melancholy reigns; / What means this tumult in a vestal's veins?”

    39.What mock epic begins: “What dire offence from am'rous causes springs, / What mighty contests rise from trivial things”?

    40.Which work exposes the frivolity of fashionable London?

    41.Which powerful figure does Faustus ridicule with his new-found powers?

    42.What literary work best captures a sense of the political turmoil, particularly regarding the issue of religion, just after the Restoration?

    43. Which metrical form was Pope said to have brought to perfection?

    44.Why didn’t Alexander Pope attend an English university?

    45. Alexander Pope coined many a modern day cliché. Which of the following did not originate with him?

    46.Confessions of an English Opium Eater is a work by

    47.Milton’s Samson Agonistes is

    48.Name the woman Samson Agonistes loved and who betrayed him

    49.”Fame is the last infirmity of the noble mind” In which poem of Milton does this line occur?

    50.What is the meaning of Samson Agonistes?

    51. In the poem To his Coy Mistress, the lover says his lady love if "world enough, and time" ---------------- is not a sin.

    52. The lover says that they can wander in the search of rubies at the bank of ---------- river.

    53. In the poem To His Coy Mistress, the lover calls his love as --------- love.

    54. The poem "To His Coy Mistres"s is written by -------------

    55. Who speaks in "A Portrait"?

    56. Why is the speaker of "A Portrait" important?

    57. Who does the speaker of "A Portrait" address?

    58. What does the speaker of "A Portrait" advise against?

    59. What does the speaker of "A Portrait" say about appearances?

    60. What is the benefit of looking beneath the surface, according to the speaker of "A Portrait"?

    61. The author of “The Way of the World is______

    62. What year was “The Way of the World” written?

    63. During what time period was “The Way of the World” written?

    64.The genre of the play is “The Way of the World”______

    65.By Who are the Commendatory Verse written by?

    66. who is the old styled gentleman?

    67. “Don’t I look like cherry” who says?

    68. Who called “She Stoops to Conquer as lowest of all forces”?

    69. Who is the chief of the servants?

    70.What is the other title of “She Stoops to Conquer”?

    71. What is the Sequel of “She Stoops to Conquer” and written by whom?

    72. Milton is fond of the Italian poet Aristo on certain occasions “Paradise Lost imitates Aristo’s--------

    73. Milton was called as ----------- of his college in christ’s college, cambridge

    74. Which one of the following is milton’s controversial writings?

    75. During the ---------- of 1665, Milton showed to Elwood the complete manuscript of “Paradise Lost”

    76. John Bunyan and John Milton were-------------

    77. John Bunyan was a/an----------

    78. “The pilgrim’s progress” is a famous-----------

    79. Some writers compare Bunyan’s ‘pilgrim’s progress” to Milton’s---------------

    80. Bunyan wrote the second part of ‘the pilgrim’s progress” in--------------

    81. The man in pilgrim’s progress carries a pack-load which refers to his---------

    82. Christian starts from his native town-------------

    83. Christian meets the terrible fiend Apollyn in the valley of--------------

    84. From where can Christian see the glimpse of the celestian city?

    85. Who is the companion after Faithful?

    86. How did Christian heal his wound?

    87. Who escorted Christiana and her sons?

    88. Knowledge, Experience, watchful and sincere are the four------------

    89. Name the Key which Christian used to escape from the prison

    90. Henry Fielding was appointed --------------- with pension in 1748

    91. Henry fielding dedicated ‘Tom Jones’ to----------

    92. Who called fielding the father of English Novel

    93. ‘Tom Jones’ is the influence from Cerranto’s --------------

    94. ‘Tom Jones’ is a plot of-------------

    95. In 18th century there was a decline of---------------

    96. Squire Allworthy came back from London after-------------

    97. Who reared the baby Tom?

    98. Fielding described Tom Jones a/an------------in prose

    99. “Sophia” and “Jones” reminded of Shakespeare’s characters -------------

    100. Tom falls in Love with -------------

    101. Which one of the following works of Milton was vehemently criticized by Dr. Johnson?

    102. The Chief source of “The pilgrim’s progress” is -----------

    103. The first section of ‘Life of Milton’ deals with Milten’s

    104. “Lives of the poets’ Presents the life of ----------

    105. Milton’s grandfather Lost ris estate during the---------

    106. Milton father’s house is called----------

    107. Milton wrote ‘Lycidas’, an elegy on the death of his college friend--------

    108. Milton wrote “Epitaphium Damonis” which was a -----------

    109. Whom does Dryden compare to Virgil?

    110. During which event was the Essay of Dramatic Poesie written?