6th science full test (English medium) (NEW)


    Welcome to your 6th science full test (English medium) (NEW)

    1. The need for SI system of units

    2. _____ is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight.

    3. Which of the following method can be used to measure the volume of irregular objects?

    4. ____ is a device used for indicating distance travelled by an automobile.

    5. The motion of the moon which revolves around the earth is

    6. How earth revolves?

    7. What is 7 m in mm?

    8. 200 ml of water is poured into a bowl of 400ml capacity. The volume of water now will be _____

    9. One litre of water at 30°C is mixed with one litre of water at 50°C. The temperature of the mixture will be

    10. When an electric current is passing through the conductor …………… energy is produced.

    11. Here heat energy is converted into electric energy

    12. Which one of the following is using secondary using cells?

    13. ……….. fish is able to produce an electric current.

    14. Which of the following are homogeneous in nature? (i) ice (ii) wood (iii) soil (iv) Air

    15. A standard sheet of paper is about atoms thick.

    16. People who made mariner’s compass for the first time.

    17. Among the following which one is a magnetic substance?

    18. Magnets lose their properties if they are _______

    19. The maximum speed of electromagnetic train is

    20. _______ is the process in which something becomes different from what it was earlier.

    21. The blackening of the Silver anklet is a (an)

    22. Formation of coal is a …………

    23. Which of the following is not a part of the water cycle?

    24. ………. are wetlands where water bodies meet the sea.

    25. Soaps were originally made from ………

    26. Usage of chemical pesticides and fertilisers causes ……… pollution.

    27. Plants are producers because they make their own food by _______

    28. The micro-organisms that obtain energy from the chemical breakdown of dead organisms is called

    29. The saponification of a fat or oil is done using _______ solution for hot process.

    30. The important function of stomata is ______

    31. The stalk of the leaf is known

    32. On the lower side of the leaf, there are tiny pores or openings known as ______

    33. Which of the following are characteristics of living beings? (i) Respiration (ii) Reproduction (iii) Adaptation (iv) Excretion

    34. Which one of the following is a unicellular organism

    35. Which state is known as Spice garden of India?

    36. Scurvy is caused due to the deficiency of _______

    37. Name the sunshine Vitamin

    38. _______ is a highly rich source of protein.

    39. Under the microscope, Priya observes a cell that has a cell wall and a distinct nucleus. The cell that she observed is

    40. Which one of the following is not a unicellular organism?

    41. The first cell formed in the earth

    42. _______ connect bone to muscle.

    43. The walls of the heart is made up of

    44. ______ muscles are found in the walls of the digestive tract, urinary bladder arteries, and other

    45. Which are the source of food and energy for all living organisms in the world.

    46. Chicken pox is caused by which virus

    47. A: snake heart is 3 chambered , B: snakes are oviparous but Anaconda is viviparous

    48. The book "Origin of species " was written by

    49. Find out the correct pair I - Chlorophyll = Green color; II - Carotene = orange Pigment III- xanthophyll = Yellow pigment

    50. A - A cell which do not have membrane bound organelles and nucleus is Prokaryotic Cell, B - A cell which contains , nuclear membrane and membrane bound cell organelles nucleus is Eukaryotic Cell,