PGTRB English Quiz on Shakespeare Pdf

Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB) announces every year PGTRB exam. TRB will recruit teachers for Higher Secondary schools. These exams normally called PGTRB Exam (Post Graduate Teacher Recruitment Board Exams ).Basic Qualification is PG Degree with B. Ed.,. Eligible Degrees will be announced with PGTRB Exam notification in TRB Official website.
Here Tamilmadal website provides Study materials, Quiz test for PGTRB Exam. Stay tuned with us… 
20 Objective Questions On Shakespeare:

Quiz On Shakespeare: Question 1. In which year was William Shakespeare born?


Question 2. In which Town was shakespeare born? 


Question 3. What was his mother’s maiden name?.


Question 4. How old was Shakespeare when he married Anne Hathaway?


Question 5. How many children did Shakespeare have ? .


Question 6. During his lifetime, how many plays and sonnets did he write?


Question 7. By which year is it thought that William Shakespeare’s plays were being

regularly performed in London?


Question 8. What was the name of the London theatre that Shakespeare is commonly associated with? .


Question 9. Which play is generaly accepted as being Shakespeare’s first?


Question 10. In which play would you find the quote ? .

“A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life.”


Question 11. In which play would you find the following quote?

“Rest, rest, perturbed spirit”


Question 12. In which play would you find the following quote?..

“The quality of mercy is not strain’d, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

Upon the place beneath.” ,


Question 13. In which play would you find the following quote?

“What angel wakes me from my flowery bed?


Question 14. In which play would you find the following quote ..

“When shall we three meet again, In thunder, lightning, or in rain?


Question 15. Which historical event influenced the plot of ‘Macbeth’ ?

Question 16. In which play would you find a character called Touchstone?


Question 17. In which play would you find a character called Starveling?


Question 18. In which play would you find a character called Lady Capulet?


Question 19. How old was Shakespeare when he died?.


Question 20. Where was William Shakespeare buried?



Answers :


Answer 1: l564


Answer 2: Stratford-upon-Avon


Answer 3: Mary Arden


Answer 4: 18 years old


Answer 5: Three (Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith)


Answer 6: 38 plays and 154 sonnets (sources may vary slightly)


Answer 7: 1592


Answer 8: The Globe Theatre


Answer 9: Henry VI, Part 1 (believed to have been written around 1590)


Answer 10: Romeo and Juliet


Answer 11: Hamlet


Answer 12: The Merchant of Venice


Answer 13: A Midsummer Night’s Dream


Answer 14: Macbeth


Answer 15: The Gunpowder Plot of 1605


Answer 16: As You Like It


Answer 17: A Midsummer Night’s Dream


Answer 18: Romeo and Juliet


Answer 19: 52 years old


Answer 20: Stratford-upon-Avon (in the Holy Trinity Church)