TN TET ENGLISH – 08 [Paid Batch]


    Welcome to your TN TET ENGLISH - 08 [Paid Batch]

    Revision Test -8 (Q.NO 1-5) Read the whole passage and fill in the blanks from the options

    The teacher reproached the (1) ………. for getting such a (2) ……. mark in his subject. The student (3) ……. himself with a sense of humour. Though the teacher was (4) …….. she appreciated his sense of humour. She (5)..........  him to do better next time.






    6. ‘Precis’ is a ……….. word which means ‘precise’ in English.

    7.The Jungle book was written by ……………………..

    8.The pills should be taken after the meals.

    9. The number of syllables in the word ‘ecological’ is ……..

    10. What is the plural for buffalo?

    11.Which can be placed after walking?

    12.Smoking injurious to health. So everyone must stop the habit. (Replace with phrasal verbs)

    13. Let’s go for a walk,…………….. (Fill in the blanks with suitable tags)

    14.Children should not ……………… obey their eders

    15.“Sri Lanka” country is called ………..?

    16.We complete the work on time. (Identify the pattern)

    17.Information about the ‘reward’ is mentioned in

    18.Who teaches you English?

    19. In each one of the questions asked from students

    20. Read the dialogues and choose the most appropriate options to complete the dialogues.

    Ingrid : Are you going to the post office0?
    Paul : Why are you asking?
    Ingrid : ---------------
    Paul : I can hold off for a few minutes, but that's all. 

    21.The salutation of a formal letter must be:

    22. Kuberan is richer than Indiran. Choose the equal sentence.

    23. Kathik said, “I don’t play cricket” Choose the correct reported form

    (Q.NO: 64-70) Choose a word and complete the following sentences.

    24. ……… marry, make sure she can cook.

    25. …… you prefer, take oil bath.

    26. Keep quiet …….. happens here.

    27. I try to see Bala…… I go to Trichy.

    28. ………. Nalayini goes, she has friends.

    29. ………much Sonia eats, she never gets fat.

    30. The major aim of teaching poetry in the mother tounge is ----------

    31. Identify the right sentence.

    32.pick out the odd man out in each of the following group of words.

    33. Give the abbreviation for ‘ZSI’

    i) Zoological Scheme of India
    ii) Zoological School of India
    iii) Zoological Survey of India
    iv) Zoo Survey of India

    34. Give the sentence pattern Due to gravity, the Earth could hold everything.

    35. Change the underlined word into Noun form.

    Sunitha Williams stayed in the space for the longest period of …… days.

    36.In each question below, there is a sentence in which some parts have been jumbled up, Rearrange these parts which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence.

    “With her body”
    P : dragging her unwilling feet
    Q : weak and infirm
    R : doubled with age
    S : she persisted in her mission

    37. Rewrite the sentence in the reported form

    “Hurrah! We have won the match.” 
    i) He exclaimed happily that they had won the match
    ii) He said that they had won the match
    iii) He exclaimed that we have won the match
    iv) He told that we have won the match


    ‘The first organ donor ’ of Tamil Nadu is Hithendran.
    The verb form of the Highlighted word is ……… 

    39.The bridge is being widened. In this sentence.

    40.A place where bees are kept…….

    41.Adjective word for ‘sadden’.

    42.‘Good morning’ is a ------------.

    43. Suffixes are usually ………

    44. Select the correct active voice of the sentence: “I have not been informed”.

    45. Factual descriptions of an event or incident are called ………

    46.Complete the compound word ‘ break-------------’.

    47. Supply a suitable suffix for the given word: Sheep

    48. Fill in the blank with suitable homophone: The police controlled the …

    49. Supply the suitable relative pronoun. I stayed with my grandmother …….… cooking was the best in the world.

    50. Which among the following is not associated with ‘Punvtion’?