
    Welcome to your 12TH ENGLISH PART-I-QUIZ TEST-02

    1) Choose the most appropriate Synonym for "vexation"

    2) Choose the most appropriate Synonym for "chaos"

    3) Choose the most appropriate Synonym for "Anthologist"

    4) Choose the most appropriate Antonym for "anarchy"

    5) Choose the most appropriate Antonym for "tiny"

    6) Choose the most appropriate Antonym for "fiction"

    7) Choose the correct plural form for "mouse"

    8) Choose the suitable meaning for the idiom "shot his bolt"

    9) Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition- The deer jumped___the hedge

    10) Choose the correct American English word for 'wash basin'

    11) Choose the correct expansion of the Abbreviation-GST

    12) Choose the correct question tag for the following statement-'Please help me, ____?

    13) Identify the sentence pattern of the following sentence- 'They painted the car blue'

    14) Fill in the blank with a suitable Relative Pronoun- I lost my purse___ I bought in the bazaar

    15) Form a new word by adding a suitable Suffix to the word 'cease'

    16) Choose the correct combination for the blended word-"travelogue "

    17) Choose the clipped form of refrigerator

    18) Choose the correct alternative polite word for toilet

    19) Choose the correct article- I saw___one rupee note

    20) Choose the correct definition for the given term 'theophobia'