1. Chaucer served in the English army under which king ?
    (a) Henry iii
    (b) Edward ii
    (c) Edward iii ☑
    (d) Richard ii
  2. Which of the tale tellers has a conspicuous hairy wart ?
    (a)The coachman
    (b) The miller ☑
    (c) The tailor
    (d) The weaver
  3. How many plays did William Shakespeare write ?
    (a) 36
    (b) 37☑
    (c) 38
    (d) 39
  4. The line ” to be or not to be ” comes from which play ?
    (a) Macbeth
    (b) twelfth night
    (c) A midsummer Night’s dream
    (d) Hamlet ☑
  5. Which famous Shakespearean play does the quote,
    ” my salad days, when I was green in judgment”
    come from ?
    (a) antony and cleopatra ☑
    (b) hamlet
    (c) The winter’s tale
    (d) The merry wives of Windsor
  6. In what year was the first Folio published ?
    (a) 1626
    (b) 1621
    (c) 1623☑
    (d) 1629
  7. Which river is associated with Shakespeare’s birth ?
    (a) The Thames
    (b) The Avon ☑
    (c) The Tyburn
    (d) The seven
  8. In 1613, The Globe theater burned down during a production of which play ?
    (a) king John
    (b) Richard II
    (c) Henry viii☑
    (d) Henry V
  9. Who among these characters says this
    “it is no sin to deceive a Christian?”
    (a) shylock
    (b) Shakespeare
    (c) Barabus
    (d) Jew of Malta ☑
  10. Pick the place where Twelfth Night has been set ?
    (a) Kingdom of Denmark
    (b) Kingdom of illyria ☑
    (c) Venice
    (d) Beach Island
  11. Gratiano and Nerrissa are the characters in ?
    (a) house of fame
    (b) merchant of Venice ☑
    (c) king Lear
    (d) Othello
  12. ” HORATIO I AM DEAD ” find the literary device employed here ?
    (a) prolepsis ☑
    (b) anagnorisis
    (c) hamartia
    (d) aporia
  13. In ” Tempest ” who attempts to rape Miranda ?
    (a) ferdinand
    (b) caliban ☑
    (c) trinculo
    (d) alonso
  14. ” Ripeness is all ” occurs in ?
    (a) hamlet
    (b) king Lear ☑
    (c) Macbeth
    (d) Othello
  15. ” Full Fathom five thy father lies ” where do we find these lines ?
    (a) A midsummer night’s dream
    (b) A winter’s tale
    (c) The taming of the shrew
    (d) The Tempest ☑
  16. ” Readiness is all ” occurs in ?
    (a) Julius Caesar
    (b) Othello
    (c) Macbeth
    (d) Hamlet ☑
  17. Whom did Charles lamb call ” a prose Shakespeare” ?
    (a) Thomas heywood ☑
    (b) Thomas Middleton
    (c) Thomas dekker
    (d) Thomas kyd
  18. Who is called the dickens of Elizabethan age ?
    (a) Thomas heywood
    (b) John Marston
    (c) Thomas dekker ☑
    (d) George Chapman
  19. Who coined the phrase “Marlowe’s mighty line” ?
    (a) Samuel Johnson
    (b) Ben Johnson ☑
    (c) Mathew Arnold
    (d) Richard Steele
  20. Which play of Shakespeare is a ” conversation play ” ?
    (a) measure for measure
    (b) much ado about nothing
    (c) Twelfth night
    (d) All’s well that ends well ☑
  21. ” Life of Shakespeare ” is written by ?
    (a) Sidney Lee ☑
    (b) Philip Sidney
    (c) Marlowe
    (d) spencer
  22. Who completed Christopher Marlowe’s ” Hero and Leander ” ?
    (a) Ben Johnson
    (b) Shakespeare
    (c) Chapman ☑
    (d) heywood
  23. In which tale of Chaucer, a daughter is killed by her father ?
    (a) The monk’s tale
    (b) The physician’s tale ☑
    (c) The friar’s tale
    (d) The clerk’s tale
  24. In whose story, the character of Griselda appear ?
    (a) The clerk’s tale ☑
    (b) The Reeve’s tale
    (c) The miller’s tale
    (d) The friar’s tale
  25. Who is known as the Chaucer of Scotland ?
    (a) William Dunbar ☑
    (b) Robert Henryson
    (c) John lydgate
    (d) Gavin Douglas
  26. The schoolmaster by Roger Ascham is a/an ?
    (a) morality play
    (b) human ideal
    (c) educational treatise ☑
    (d) all of the above
  27. Who is known as the connecting link between Chaucer and Spenser ?
    (a) Henry Howard
    (b) Thomas Sackville ☑
    (c) Roger Ascham
    (d) Sir Thomas Wyatt
  28. When did the Great fire of London take place ?
    (a) 1610
    (b) 1606
    (c) 1640
    (d) 1666☑
  29. Chaucer was called ” the earliest of the Great moderns” and was also called, ” The morning star of the Renaissance “. Who initiated these remarks ?
    (a) Kittredge
    (b) Hudson
    (c) Albert ☑
    (d) Pope
  30. Which literary form, developed in the fifteenth century, personified vices and virtues ?
    (a) The short story
    (b) The heroic epic
    (c) The morality play ☑