TNTET English Paper I and II 2022 |English Test- 12 [paid Batch]


TN TET ENGLISH PAPER-1 AND 2 | Revision Test 12

Welcome to your TN TET ENGLISH – 12 [Paid Batch]

1.pick out the odd man out in each of the following group of words.

2.Choose the equivalent American English word for the underlined British English word.

There is an aerial on the top of my house.


The farmers ploughed the field after a rainfall.


The manager sent a cheque for Rs.1000 for the job work.

5.My brother going to Bangalore. (Identify the pattern)

6. The number of syllables in the word ‘laboratory’ is ……..

7. Replace the underlined word with a euphemistic expression

Don’t condemn them as dull students. They might prove to be slow-learners.

8.Choose the clipped word for “hippopotamus”.

9.She was …taken for his mother

10.Come home early………………?

11. I ………………this story since 10 o’clock. (Select the correct tense:)

12. Ramu delivered the letter two days ago. (Select the correct tense:)

13. “Each goes searching after pleasure in his own selected way, Each with strangers likes to wander, and with strangers likes to play.” Write the alliterated words in the first line.

14. Noun form of “successful” is

15. Who invented television? Choose the passive voice for this sentence

16.Adjective form of “agree” is

17.Choose the right definition for the given term ‘Feminism’.

18. Replace the underlined word with a euphemistic expression .

This school is for the blind.

19.He hardly absents himself ——?

20.Which can be placed after moon

21.He will surely pass the exam with flying colors. (Replace with phrasal verbs)

22.She can’t finish all assignments in one day.

23.Choose the correct meaning for the following idioms:“Atthedropofahat”

24.The common expansion of BPT is:

25. What is the singular form of the word boxes?

26. …………………. us go for a walk.

27.Choose the syllabification for the word ‘activity’

28. Read the dialogues and choose the most appropriate options to complete the dialogues.

Father :What? You crashed the car again?
Son: —————
Father: I’m sure it wasn’t. This is the third accident you have had this year.
Son : You’re very angry now, dad. We had better talk about this later on.

29. When the teacher prepares a teaching plan for the students of his class, then he has to keep in mind the:

30.Which of these is not correct in relation to analysis and interpretation of graphs?

31. Choose the clipped word for ‘refrigerator’.

32.Read the following sentences and rewrite them into passive voice. Choose the right answer from the given alternatives:

I see a film.

33. According to the author the tendril was moving towards grandfather because of it ………………………….

34.Choose the right definition for the given term ‘Assonance’.

(Q. Nos. – 35 to 43 )Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the correct/most appropriate options :

The very nature of the mind is restlessness. It cannot stay at one place or hold one thought for long. For every thought that appears, there are comments, judgements and associations. Thinking is a continuous activity with the mind jumping from one thought to another from morning till night. Like clouds in the sky or waves in the ocean, thoughts appear and disappear as if in ceaseless activity. However, all thoughts that pass through our mind do not affect us. But we get affected when our ego is hit. Then the mind whirls and creates a tornado of restlessness within. A variety of probable scenarios crop up ‘how dare he insult me; what does she think of herself ? Where I am not respected, I will not go; if he speaks thus, I will reply so’. And so it goes on and on. We have an inbuilt filter in our mind which chooses the types of thoughts or subjects that we like to brood upon. We are not born with this filter but we acquire it over the years with the kind of books we read, the company we keep and the subjects we are interested in. That is why some people are obsessed with football, cricket or fashion while others could not care less for such things. This filter is built day by day by our actions, suggestions, teachings and influence of others. We can ultimately choose our own filter. So let us learn to build our filter wisely and strengthen it daily.

35. Thoughts affect us when our

36. Read the following statements :

A. Our reading decides the filter in our minds.
B. The filter in our mind controls our likes but not dislikes

37. Which of the following statements is incorrect ?

38. Which part of speech is the underlined word in the following expression ?

‘But we get affected’

39. Which part of speech is the underlined word in the following expression ?

‘It cannot stay at one place.’ 

40. ‘as if in ceaseless activity’ The word ‘ceaseless’ means

41. ‘creates a tornado of restlessness’ The word ‘tornado’ here means

42. Thoughts are compared to

43. The process of thinking continues from

44. A teacher asks her learners to join sentences to make a short paragraph, inserting supplied connectors and coherence markers like (but, and, however, because, although, etc.) What is this approach to writing known as ?

45. An assessment done at the end of six months of one term is _______.

46. A teacher asks her learners of class VIII to read a novel by an Indian author and asks them to write an essay giving their views on the novel. What is this known as a reading activity ?

47. A teacher selected a text from a newspaper and dropped every fifth word and asked her learners to supply the missing words. What is a test known as ?

48. Denotative meaning of a word is _________.

49. ‘We acquire … language by understanding input that is a little beyond our current level of (acquired) competence.’ What is this pedagogical concept known as ?

50. What is the status given to English by the Indian Constitution ?