
Full Name: Jawaharlal Nehru

Nick Name: Chacha Nehru, Pandit Nehru

Date of Birth: 14 November 1889 in Allahabad, present day Uttar Pradesh, India

Parents: Pandit Motilal Nehru – Swarup Rani Nehru

Professions: Barrister, writer, Politician, Indian Independence activist


🌸 The Discovery of India

🌸 Toward Freedom

🌸 Glimpses of world History

🌸 Letters from a father to his daughter

Died: 27 May 1964 in New Delhi, India

Resting Place: Shantivan

Important points:

🌿 Nehru received Bharat Ratna in 1955

🌿 Nehru was the first prime minister of independent India and served for 18 years

🌿 Gandhi acknowledged Nehru as his political heir and successor in 1941

🌿 Nehru is regarded as the founder of Modern Indian state and his birthday is celebrated as children’s day

🌿 January 1947, Nehru said ‘Independent India would not accept the Divine rule of kings’

🌿 May 1947, Nehru declared ‘Any princely state which refused to join the constituent assembly would be treated as an enemy state’

🌿 At midnight on new year’s eve 1929, Nehru hoisted the tricolor flag of India in the banks of river Ravi in Lahore

🌿 In December 1953, Nehru appointed States Reorganization Commission headed by justice Fazal Ali

🌿 Nehru took the leading role in the Non-Aligned movement in foreign policy