Geoffrey Chaucer’s notable works and their publication years


Geoffrey Chaucer’s notable works and their publication years:

1. The Canterbury Tales (c. 1387-1400) – This is Chaucer’s most famous work, an unfinished collection of stories in verse.

2. Troilus and Criseyde (c. 1374-1385) – A tragic love story set against the backdrop of the Trojan War.

3. The House of Fame (c. 1374-1385) – A poem that explores the nature of fame and reputation.

4. The Parliament of Fowls (c. 1377-1385) – A poem that celebrates the marriage of King Richard II and Anne of Bohemia.

5. The Legend of Good Women (c. 1386-1388) – A collection of stories about virtuous women.

6. The Treatise on the Astrolabe (c. 1391) – A prose work that explains the use of the astrolabe, an astronomical instrument.

Note: The exact publication years of Chaucer’s works are not certain, as many of them were circulated in manuscript form during his lifetime and were not printed until after his death.